Chester Pride is a charity dedicated to advocating for equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community. We are a community and volunteer led charity that is focused on building a strong, safe and supportive environment for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
We provide resources, events, and programming to support the mental and physical health of our members. We also host fundraisers, and an annual Pride event to raise awareness and advocate for equal rights. Join us today and be part of our mission to create a more equitable world. We will do what we can to provide the services the community needs and want, and we will be their voice in creating a society that includes, respects, and dignifies them.
Chester Pride started in 2013, with our first event outside Chester Town Hall. Around 2,500 people attended that first event, and then since then we have grown significantly with our 10th event in 2022 attended by around 21,000 people. We have also branched out our activity, launching our own helpline service, Just Ask, which receives over 7,000 contacts each year, supporting the LGBTQ+ community with any issue they may face.
Our Mission
Chester Pride celebrates, supports, and advocates for the LGBTQ+ community of Cheshire and North Wales. We are community led, responding to the needs and voice of the community we work for. We will celebrate our community’s diversity, and not gatekeep or exclude community members and allies from our activity. We will do what we can to provide the services the community needs and want, and we will be their voice in creating a society that includes, respects, and dignifies them.

Our Vision
We’re working towards creating a world that is fully inclusive of LGBTQ+ people. We want to create a society that treats LGBTQ+ people with dignity, safety, and respect. We want to build a world that is fully equitable for our community.