Support, advice and social groups
If you're looking for any advice, support, or ways to meet and make friends then you can find details below of our services, and others that we know and recommend.
This list is not exhaustive, and there may be more services out there than we have below. We aim to update this list periodically, and if you know of anything we need to add, then please let us know via our contact form​
Chester Pride Support

Our befriending programme is open to any LGBTQ+ person who needs advie and support, or is feeling lonley and isolate, or is struggling with their mental health.
Once a someone gets in touch we will chat with them to find out more, then match them with a befriender.
Over 6 weeks the volunteer befriender will help with the goals, and overcoming the issue, and provide you with community connectivity and support.
Using the form below you can either refer yourself for the service, or refer someone you know as a friend or professional.